Increase your chances of having a boy or a girl using MicroSort®
MicroSort® really works
Increase your chances of having a boy or a girl using MicroSort®
MicroSort® really works
What is MicroSort®?
MicroSort is a scientifically proven preconception process that improves the chances that the baby you conceive will be of the desired gender.
Semen samples usually contain equal amounts of sperm carrying the Y chromosome (which will produce a boy), and sperm carrying the X chromosome (which will produce a girl).
What our patients have to say about us

What our patients have to say about us
Verify my sort
Only a list of exclusive laboratories can provide microsort. Once you visit the laboratory, you will get a verification code, Please use this page to verify your sort and get your results.

Verify my sort
Only a list of exclusive laboratories can provide microsort. Once you visit the laboratory, you will get a verification code, Please use this page to verify your sort and get your results.
Learn more
Hoping for a baby girl?
… or perhaps a baby boy?
Increase your chance of having a baby of the desired gender with the scientifically proven MicroSort® preconception method.
Do I Qualify?
You can qualify for MicroSort based on two separate guidelines.
MicroSort is available to families who:
Seek family balancing (equal gender representation)
Wish to avoid X-linked disorders
Get Started
Begin the process that will increase your chances of having a boy or a girl!
Your first step is to arrange a consultation with a MicroSort® laboratory or participating physician. After preliminary tests, you can schedule your specimen sort through the laboratory or physician’s office.